Friday, January 11, 2008

2008 Race Schedule

I have posted my 2008 Race Schedule on the sidebar. You can visit the relevant website for each event by clicking on the individual races.

The schedule is not set in stone and there are a couple of other running races or relays that I might try and fit in. I have already registered for the races that have sold out with the exception of the Ironman events i.e. Cherry Blossom 10 miler (sold out in 4 hours) and Columbia. I have also registered for the Nation's Tri which is close to selling out and is a race which I really enjoyed last year.

Please note that I still do not know for sure if I am going to Lake Placid. I am not registered for the race, which is sold out, but I hope to compete as part of the Cadence Kona challenge. That being said, as I understand it, not all six of us 'contenders' are going to be able to go.

Participation in the Hawaii Ironman Worldchamps is obviously dependant on me getting to Lake Placid and then putting in a fast enough time to qualify.

I am also hoping to do the Escape from Alcatraz Tri which looks like a lot of fun but that is dependant on a lottery draw next month and would also mean that I would have to drop Mooseman.

It should be a really great year for racing and I am looking forward to getting going. I want to make the most of my last full year in the US and to sample some of the great North American triathlons before I go back to Europe.

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