Monday, July 7, 2008


It was all going too well. Last week was a tough week with 3 hours of training most days and plenty of lactate threshold intervals but I was just about managing to get through it all. Saturday was my last long ride before Lake Placid with Sunday a triathlon day consisting of short swim, 2 hour bike and 1:45 run. The rest of this week was also meant to be fairly intense with only a short taper before the Ironman.

The Saturday long ride was going well. I went out for 3.5 hours before coming back to the house to refuel. I was holding a good pace and felt pretty good. I decided to swap from my tri bike to my road bike to give myself a break from the aero position for the last couple of hours. I was about 25 minutes from the house on a local bike trail when everything turned upside down, literally.

I was happily cruising along at a steady 20mph+ when I looked down and realised that I was very close to the edge of the trail. The trail was 3 inches of tarmac laid on top of dirt so there was a big drop at either side. I looked at the drop and tried to gently bring the bike back to the left but like a rabbit in the headlights I couldn't stop myself and the front wheel dropped off the edge of the trail and dug in immediately cartwheeling me off the bike.

I am not sure exactly what happened. I have a cut on my nose which I think means that my head hit the ground and pushed my glasses into the bridge of my nose but bizarrely I couldn't find a single scratch on my helmet. My bike was 20 feet away on the other side of the trail and I also landed on my shoulder and back judging by the scrapes, bruises and holes in my shirt. A gentlemen out walking and a lady pushing a baby both came to ask if I was OK and the guy had seen me come off and seemed impressed by the show I had put on.

I was telling them both that I was OK but I was still lying on the grass at the edge of the trail where I had rolled to after I came to a stop and I decided that I needed to stand up. As I got up I realised how sore my groin was. I called Wendy and arranged to meet at the next road to intersect the trail. As I hobbled down the trail I realised just how sore my groin was and it appears as if the kinetic energy generated by a 164 pound man travelling at 20mph was all dissipated through my groin into the stem of my bike.

Long story short I experienced some of the most excruciating pain I can remember and had to fight back waves of nausea. I got into bed where I remained the rest of Saturday and all day Sunday. After 36 hours of ice treatment and Ibuprofen I was able to hobble into work for half a day today.

So what does it all mean.

I have spoken to Holden and I am to rest today and tomorrow and then we will see if I can get back into the pool on Wednesday. He assures me that fitness wise I will be OK however I know it would have helped my race if I had been able to complete these last few hard workouts and transition simulations.

I have spoken to the makers of my wheels, Rolf Prima, and it is going to cost me $240 to get my front wheel rebuilt. I have not looked at the rest of my road bike as it will probably end in tears and I will face that ordeal later.

I am healing up OK. My hobble is speeding up and I am able to move around a bit now. Thankfully nothing is broken and although I am very stiff and sore as long as nothing is strained I should be OK for the race.

Although I am pretty down at the moment it could have been a lot worse. I still see people on the trail on road bikes without helmets which is daft and I am also glad that I had my mobile phone with me or it could have been a bit of a drama getting home.

It is apparently not all that uncommon for accidents to happen in the last couple of weeks and at least it happened now and not next week. I am no stranger to bike accidents and anyone who rides a road bike at speed for long enough is likely to have some sort of accident but it is still pretty shitty timing on my behalf.


Mary Lou said...

Hey James - that totally sucks about your crash - but yes, it definitely could've been much worse - but still, really not good, and yes really bad timing.

But you know Holden is right and you are so ready right now, and who knows maybe a few extra days of taper, as long as the rest of your body recovers, will actually be good for you.

Hang in there and heal fast
mary lou

-EW said...

so sorry dude...just remember everything happens for a can be a blessing in disguise. Keep your chin up and you'll be just fine.

James said...

Thanks ladies.

I continue to heal up well and have all my fingers crossed that I will be able to get back into some light training tomorrow.

Really looking forward to seeing you both next week. Take care both of you on those last rides and runs.

Chris Wren said...

I was totally shocked at the news of your crash. I hope you are recovering well. As others have responded, maybe the rest will be good for you. I'm praying this won't negatively affect your performance at LP. See you there.