Monday, December 3, 2007

The Perfect Running Posture

I am back at work following my lunch time run. I was down for a 50 min endurance run which for me means running 8.5 min to 9 min miles. I do not intend going in to the detail of good running technique as it is worthy of its own post but one thing most runners seem to agree on is that you should have a slight forward lean not from your waist but from your ankles. This will apparently help you maintain your momentum.

I have always had difficulty doing this and tend to run far too upright but today I found the answer. To achieve the perfect running posture find some ground where the wind is channeled e.g. the National Mall and go for a run in 50 mph winds . Never mind a slight forward lean today I looked more like a ski jumper than a runner.

I have to give respect to the five guys and girls I saw that had turned up for their lunch time game of ultimate frisbee. You must have to be seriously talented to throw a frisbee in those conditions.

Yes the picture is beautiful and yes working just south of Capital Hill I get to run down the Mall and along the Potomac river for my lunch time runs. It is very surreal for some one growing up in a fairly small English town to now be running down the Mall on a regular basis and I realise how fortunate I am to have such a backdrop.

Aside from the wind I also got wet, waves in the tidal basin were breaking up against its sides spraying the path with water (hardcore) with the result that my pasty white legs are now a bright shade of pink - that said still a great run.


Unknown said...

Am looking forward to seeing a picture of the perfect running posture. Will then pass on tips to Nicola and Stephen, though I think Stephen will want to know the perfect running posture required when preparing to tackle somebody in rugby. Guess there might be variations!!
Good luck with the training, and well done to get to the final 6 from the hundreds who applied for the 'scholarship'. Give our love to Wendy, I guess training involves both of you in some sacrifices.
Uncle Jo

James said...


Sorry, I did not get any pictorial evidence you will have to take my word for it. All the best to Jayne and the kids and hope you guys have a great Xmas.
Wendy says hi and you are right she is certainly making her fair share of sacrifices as this thing progresses.
